Autumn in NEW YORK

Hellooo everybody,
I’ve already been here for 66 days, and in 53 days I am going to Santa Barbara. So much things I still want to do here.
Last week we went to Yoga, and again it was so hard. On Wednesday it was Quinty her birthday so we surprised her with some donuts.
On Saturday Amaia and I went to Tarrytown, we sent some postcard and we drank some tea at a nice place called: Coffee Lab. We both need to read a book for school, so that’s how we spent our time there. I am reading a book from Nicholas Sparks, and I can say that I really don’t mind reading this book. It’s a love story, like all Nicholas Sparks books. Tarrytown is so beautiful right now, the trees have all such pretty colors.
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On Sunday Robin, Malou and I went to Manhattan. And I got kind of addicted to Starbucks. They have some Christmas specials, and I’m loving the Caramel Brulée Latte. We walked over Madison Avenue, because we wanted to get some macaroons at Ladurée, and they were delicious we ate them in Central Park. And also Central Park is really beautiful now in Fall.
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Alice in Wonderland Statue
Alice in Wonderland Statue

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We also went to the Metropolitan Museum, we went to an exhibition about mourning attire from Anna Wintour.

Click on this picture to go to my post about this exhibition.
Click on this picture to go to my post about this exhibition.
The view from my dorm room
Just 8 more days till my 19th birthday!!

Next week I also have my progress test again, to see if I can go to a higher level.
Today we have a college fair, but I’m not thinking about going to college here.
I will let you know how it all went in my next post! 🙂